Somehow, within a span of 24 hours, someone put a big sign on me that says 'babysitter.' I don't know how it happened - all I know is that I get stuck with watching two grown men.
One of them isn't so bad. Mr. I-need-to-fake-a-limp isn't bad at all. Of course, I won't admit that out loud, but it's true. Much better than Mr. You-guys-are-nuts-I'm-outta-here. Definitely.
The other charge is some smart-mouthed guy who showed up in a dream and then at the door. I haven't told anybody about my dream with him and the psychobitch, though. But I'm wondering if I regret saving his hide in the dream at all.
He just made (yet) another stupid comment, and he's seriously treading on my last nerve. I'm pissed at him, undoubtedly. Turning to him, I let out the most menacing growl I can manage while still remaining human.
All he does is remove his glasses and check me out.
Damn, he is ugly with his glasses off.
Waitasec…that's more than just a male sort of leer. I feel my blood begin to boil, and I can't restrain myself from swinging my fist at his head. He dodges - what the fuck? - and I kick for the crown jewels.
I can't believe I missed! I steady myself, preparing for another blow, when a growl from Logan snaps my attention back to the matter at hand. Despite my anger, I feel that I can't disobey, so I just sit down on the ground and sulk quietly.
I glare at the asshole next to me, who's in the middle of casting a circle. You just wait, I think to myself, I don't care who or what you are. You will pay for that disrespect.